High School Library Media Specialist - Vacancy ID: 227453
Vacancy Details
Position Details
Job Description
The Platteville School District
JOB TITLE: High School Library Media Specialist (LMS)
CLASSIFICATION: Professional Staff
JOB OBJECTIVE: The Library Media Specialist provides the leadership and expertise necessary to develop, implement, and maintain an information media program that is equitable for all and reflects the mission, goals, and vision of the school.
The purpose of the Building Library Media Specialist (LMS) position is to provide the leadership and expertise necessary to ensure that the school library and instructional technology programs are aligned with the mission, goals, and objectives of the building. The LMS strives to collaborate with teachers to connect all learners to literature, resources, and technology in order to instill a love of learning and ensure equitable and informed access to information. The LMS empowers learners to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and effective and ethical users of ideas and information in the information and digital era.
REPORTS TO: Building Principal
Wisconsin Teaching License: Initial Instructional Library Media Specialist (1901); or Professional Library Media Specialist (1902); or Library Media Supervisor (91)
Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited university
Excellent communication skills including verbal and written
Proven leadership skills and the ability to build positive relationships with colleagues, families, and students
Display a positive, professional, and proactive attitude in working with colleagues and supervisors
Strong technology skills applicable to instruction
The Library Media Specialist will (organized by AASL Standards):
Ensure that library hours, space, and seating provide optimum access for all learners.
Design and maintain a library website that provides 24-7 access to digital information.
Build and maintain a comprehensive, current collection supporting different levels, languages, cultures.
Anticipate resource needs through collaborative partnerships and regularly borrows, lends, and responds to requests from other libraries.
Collaborate with teachers and administrators to select and evaluate digital tools and resources that enhance teaching and learning.
Spend Common School Fund allocation in accordance with state guidelines.
Curate the physical and digital collection per the Selection Policy guidelines.
Communicate policies and procedures to the school community (students, staff and families).
Instruct and direct support staff, volunteers, and student assistants.
Collaborate with teams of teachers to implement digital and multimedia best practices while planning, teaching, reflecting and adjusting.
Assist in developing collaborative projects across the building through the leadership and management of the tech team
Consult with teachers and offer professional development to staff to integrate information and technology skills into all curricular areas.
Model the use of online digital content and collaborative learning to support and extend student and staff learning opportunities anytime, anywhere.
Model and facilitate safe, healthy, legal, and ethical uses of digital information and technologies
Support reading and create an environment where reading is valued for lifelong learning.
Provide collaborative instruction that addresses multiple literacies such as written, audio, visual and digital.
Lead and model the use of emerging resources that allow students to interact with, curate and present information.
Model and promote diversity, cultural understanding, and global awareness
Collaborate with district and building leaders to conduct needs assessments, and to develop and implement technology-rich professional learning opportunities for staff members.
Advocate for, promote and report about the role and services of the school library media program, and its impact on student achievement.
Seek administrative support to ensure that the library media program is a key component of student achievement.
Seek and participate in learning opportunities that support professional growth in areas aligned to school goals and stay current on issues and trends in order to provide building level leadership and expertise.
Administer digital platforms to aid classroom instruction including Schoology and FlexiSched.
Provide first tier technical support to students and staff through direct assistance, Tech Team management, and IT collaboration.
Candidate Requirements
- Library Media Supervisor
- Library Media Specialist
- Cover Letter
- Resume