School Nurse - Vacancy ID: 200498

Closed Vacancy

Vacancy Details

School Nurse


Lisa Molland
Director of Student Services

Position Details

See description
Full Time

Sparta Area School District is searching for a full-time School Nurse to join our Student Services team for the 2024-2025 school year. We are a proud learning community with a focus on positive relationships and collaboration. Our staff have a strong desire to meet our mission, which is “to educate all students academically, emotionally, and socially, to inspire curiosity and resilience.”


Candidates must be a Registered Nurse (RN) licensed through the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services and must have completed coursework in public/community health.  Preferred candidates will possess a Bachelor's Degree and be eligible for Wisconsin DPI Licensure. 

Preferred applicants will possess the following:

- Working knowledge of relevant laws and regulations affecting school health services, public health issues, medical disorders and treatment, and child growth and development

- Ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with students and adults
- Strong interest in promoting teamwork and collaboration
- Experience in a school-based environment
- Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills
- Excellent organization and time-management skills

Duties of the Position:

- Coordinate the District’s health services to students and employees of the District and ensure that those District services comply with all Federal and State laws
- Serve as health consultant to administrators, school personnel. parents and students in regard to health needs of students and employees
- Supervise Health Aides within the school buildings in conjunction with Building Principals and the Director of Student Services
- Provide professional development for teachers upon request through demonstration and presentation
- Maintain immunization and physical health records per state statute and Board policy
- Participate in IEP teams of students with special health problems
- Coordinate screening programs
- Supervise administration of medications by specific teachers or staff according to school policy
- Be part of the health curriculum planning committee
- Coordinate emergency nursing services
- Train identified staff in first aid, CPR and use of the AED device
- Work in cooperation with the Monroe County Health Department
- Document nursing services that qualify for MA billing
- Serve on District-wide committees relevant to school health services
- Maintain a daily log of health services rendered by the nurse and by those under their supervision

Required license Number: Preference given to candidates with a school nursing license with DPI (license #7075)

Full benefits package available.

Candidate Requirements

  • School Nurse
  • Cover Letter
  • Resume
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Transcripts & Licenses/Certifications